2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor
  • 2810 FPV Racing Motor 2810 FPV Racing Motor

2810 FPV Racing Motor

2810 FPV Racing Motor
●Bobot: 67.6g (kalebu kabel)
●Ukuran Motor: ф33.1x25 mm
● Diameter poros: 5.0mm
●Motor Mount: 19*19mm (M3*4)
●Konfigurasi: 12N14P
●Kabel Motor: 18#AWG  220mm
●KV Value: 1100KV utawa customed KV
● Rekomendasi: 7~8 inci aplikasi prop

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Deskripsi Produk

Ing ngisor iki minangka introduksi kanggo 2810 FPV Racing Motor, muga-muga bisa mbantu sampeyan luwih ngerti 2808 Brushless Motor. Sugeng rawuh para pelanggan anyar lan lawas supaya terus kerja sama karo Flash Hobby kanggo nggawe masa depan sing luwih apik bebarengan!

A2810 RC Brushless Motor kanggo FPV Drone, X Class Drone


52H Level Magnet

Precision Balance rotor Test

14P12N Desain Motor Torsi Dhuwur                            

CNC 6061-T6 Aluminium Bell

Dhuwur RPM Impor (NSK/NMB) Bearing                        

Dhuwur Suhu Tahan Tembaga Wire Winding    

Spesifikasi Motor A2810KV 1100KV

Tarik maksimal: 2891G

Tegangan: 24V (6S)

Disaranake ESC: 40A ~ 60A

Daya maksimum: 1413W

Disaranake Prop: GF7043-3R inch prop

Hot Tags: 2810 FPV Racing Motor, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, China, Grosir, Tuku, Rega
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