BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo
  • BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo

BLS3837MED 37KG BLS Servo

âRega Eceran sing Disaranake: US$59.60
âUkuran: 40x20x38.00mm
âBobot: 80g (tanpa tanduk servo)
âGear: Gear Baja Helical
âKacepetan operasi:
0.10detik/60° @6.0V
0.08detik/60° @7.4V
0,07 detik/60° @8,4V
Torsi kios:
26.0kg-cm / 361 oz-ing @6.0V
31.0kg-cm / 430 oz-ing @7.4V
37,0kg-cm / 514 oz-ing @8.4V
âTipe Motor: Brushless Motor
âTipe Sinyal: Kontrol Digital
âMaterial Kasus: Kasus Aluminium CNC AL6061
âPanjang Kawat Konektor: 300MM JR Plug


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Deskripsi Produk

BLS3837MED 8.4V 37KG Super Torsi Programmable 14bit Magnetic Encoder Servo kompatibel dengan Sanwa SSR, NB4 dan mode Futaba

âProgrammable PWM Digital Amplifier
â32-Bit MCU karo 14Bit Magnetic Encoder
âHigh Precision Helical Gear
âTegangan Operasi Wide (6.0 ~ 8.4 Volt DC)
âDual Ball Bearing Didhukung Poros Output
â25-Tooth Output Spline
âMotor Brushless Kualitas Tinggi
âDiamond Cut Aluminium Heat Sink Shell
âWater Resist lan Waterproof Case
âMode Kompatibel Sanwa SSR, NB4 lan mode Futaba

Fungsi Programmable
âPengaturan Titik Pungkasan
âGagal Aman
âDead Band
âKacepetan (luwih alon)
âSoft Start Rate
âPerlindhungan Kakehan
âSimpen / Muat Data
âProgram Reset

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